Devotions to Our Sorrowful Mother for September
FOR HOLY CHURCH O Mary, Mother of the Universal Church, Who didst consent to remain in exile upon earth after the Ascension of thy Divine Son, and for long years to be deprived of His visible presence, that thou mightest be the guide, the Mistress, and the loving Mother of the infant Church, do thou now as ever extend upon Her thy maternal care. Thou seest the persecutions to which She is exposed, the dangers to Her children, the tribulations of Her Pastor. Remember the last words of thy dying Son, by which He gave thee to us to be our Mother, and deign to protect us, the children of thy sorrow, that none of us may be lost, but that all may remain steadfast in the true Faith and the practice of virtue. Let thy maternal compassion extend also to those unfortunate children of thine, to those pitiable souls who have denied the One, True Church and have fallen into schism and heresy, that they may soon return to the true Catholic Church, and lovingly submit to Her authority and to the Shepherd appointed by Christ. Have pity also on those children of thine, who know not thy Son, the Light and Life of the world; may thy supplications and tears move the depths of Divine mercy, that He may enlighten them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death! Oh! may all true Catholics, through thy powerful intercession, remain faithful to their God and their Mother the Church! May all the stray sheep be brought back to the fold! May all heathens walk in the light of the new Jerusalem, that all men may know, and love, and serve, and bless thy Divine Son forever and ever! Amen. (Silent reflection... Hail Mary...) FOR RESIGNATION IN TRIBULATION O Mary, Queen of Martyrs, Mother of God, and my most loving Mother, humbly prostrate at thy feet I dedicate myself to the compassion of thy Sorrowful Heart, which was plunged into such an abyss of woe and humiliation, and at the same time was such a prodigy of meekness, of patience, of charity, and of all virtues. O beloved Mother, this sacrifice of thy Heart was offered to show me the inestimable price of humiliations, to teach me that I too must take up my cross and follow my Jesus in the way of suffering, which is the true way to Heaven. Alas! until now I understood it not, and instead of following Jesus, I separated myself from Him, to run after honors and pleasures. Henceforward it shall not be so; I will follow Him, bearing whatever crosses He may be pleased to send me; I will imitate thee, the true model of invincible patience; I will accept tribulations with Jesus and thee, to be united with Him Crucified, and with thee, and that the more, because my sins were the cause of thy sufferings and His. But thou knowest, my enemies never cease from attacking me and laying snares before me, to lead me astray from the royal way of the Cross. Do thou, therefore, O tender Mother, strengthen me, sustain me, and ever keep before me both thy sufferings and the example of thy fortitude. Obtain for me that I may ever have a lively faith, a firm hope, and an ardent charity, and that, being comforted by the remembrance of thy Sorrows, I may willingly accept the chalice of my tribulations, thus faithfully and cheerfully to accompany Jesus in His Sufferings. And in the great passage from time to eternity, do thou assist me in a special manner; deign to come with Jesus to mine aid; obtain for me that I may invoke thine and His most sweet Names, saying with my lips and my heart, "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, assist me in my last agony; Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, may I die with Thee in peace." Amen. (Silent reflection... Hail Mary...) LITANY OF OUR SORROWFUL MOTHER Lord, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord. V. Pray for us, O Sorrowful Virgin, Let us Pray: We beseech Thee, O Lord Jesus Christ, let Thy Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose holy soul was pierced by a sword of sorrow at the hour of Thy Passion, implore Thy mercy for us, both now and at the hour of our death, Who livest and reignest forever, unto ages of ages. Amen. FOR SINCERE CONTRITION O Virgin, all burning with love, O Mary, Mother of Dolors, I am most unworthy to stand in thy presence; but when I remember that thou art the Mother of Mercy, the Comforter of the Afflicted, the Treasurer of Divine Grace, I feel confidence revived in my heart. I therefore have recourse to thee with all the power and affection of my soul, hoping to obtain what I come to ask of thee, namely, a true contrition for my many sins and my great ingratitude, a deep sorrow for having offended my Jesus, Who has never ceased to load me with favors since He created me. Obtain for me, O tender Mother, that my sorrow for having lost Divine grace may be like to that which thou didst feel, when thou didst lose thy beloved Son; pierce my ungrateful heart with that sharp sword with which thine own was transfixed at the foot of the Cross; implore for me the frequent remembrance of death, that I may always keep before me the sense of my nothingness, and obtain for me the grace of final perseverance, that I may die the death of the just. Remember, O my beloved Mother, that if I obtain these graces through thy intercession, I shall here below be more faithful to thy beloved Son, thus giving joy to thy heart, and shall one day be with thee in the Kingdom of Heaven, there to bless thee and thy Divine Son for ever. From thee I ask these favors, O my loving Mother; through thee I "expect" them: in thee I place my trust, because thou art the Mother of my Savior. Amen. (Silent reflection... Hail Mary...) THE CHAPLET of OUR SORROWFUL MOTHER Via Matris Dolorosa - Our Mother's Cross Path of Sorrows "May we never let the memory grow dim of our Mother's agonies!" Grant, we beseech Thee, O Lord Jesus Christ, that the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Thy Mother, whose most holy soul was transfixed with the sword of sorrow in the hour of Thy Passion, may intercede for us before the throne of mercy, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Imprint, O Lady, thy wounds upon my heart, that I may read therein sorrow and love; sorrow, to endure every sorrow for thee: love, to despise every love for thee. Amen. Lily of Prayer for the First Sorrow O Virgin most sorrowful, by the bitter pain which thy soul did suffer when thy Son Jesus was presented in the Temple, and thou didst hear from the prophetic mouth of Simeon that He was set for the fall of many on account of their malice, and for a sign which should be contradicted, and that a sword should pierce thine own soul; I pray thee, obtain for me this grace - that the infinite merits of Jesus may not be vain and unfruitful through my own fault. Hail Mary... (three times) O most sorrowful Virgin, pray for us! Lily of Prayer for the Second Sorrow O Virgin most sorrowful, by the grief thou didst suffer when, in order to withdraw thy most innocent Son from the cruelty of impious Herod, who was seeking to destroy Him, thou wast obliged in the midst of hardship and privation to flee by stealth into Egypt; obtain, I beseech thee, that I may never through sin force my Redeemer to leave my heart. Hail Mary... (three times) O most sorrowful Virgin, pray for us! Lily of Prayer for the Third Sorrow O Virgin most sorrowful, by the anguish thou didst suffer when, without any fault of thine, thou didst lose thy most beloved Son Jesus, Who had remained in the Temple to fulfill the will of the Eternal Father, and didst seek Him anxiously for three days; obtain for me the grace to find Jesus at once, if by misfortune I ever come to lose Him through sin. Hail Mary... (three times) O most sorrowful Virgin, pray for us!
Lily of Prayer for the Fifth Sorrow O Virgin most sorrowful, and my sweet Mother, since thou wert left to me as such by the last will of thy Jesus, by the unspeakable pangs which thou didst experience on Calvary at the foot of the Cross, when, abandoned by all, despised by the people, given gall to drink, after three hours of agony and having cried out with a loud voice, thy dearest Son commended His Spirit to His Eternal Father; obtain for me a great love of suffering, and the grace to love and serve thee as my most Sorrowful Mother. Hail Mary... (three times) O most sorrowful Virgin, pray for us! Lily of Prayer for the Sixth Sorrow O Virgin most sorrowful, by that grief which so bitterly afflicted thy most pure soul when thy well beloved Son, taken down from the Cross, was placed in thy bosom, and thou didst see in all its detail the cruel torment which my sins had caused Him; soften, I pray thee, my ungrateful heart, that I may bewail my sins and learn truly to compassionate thee. Hail Mary... (three times) O most sorrowful Virgin, pray for us! Lily of Prayer for the Seventh Sorrow O Virgin most sorrowful, by the bitter grief which thou didst bear when thou didst accompany the inanimate body of thy beloved Jesus and wert constrained to consign Him to the tomb; grant that the memory of His Sacred Passion and Death be deeply impressed upon my heart, that I may be consumed with love for my God and for thee, my sweetest Mother. Hail Mary... (three times) O most sorrowful Virgin, pray for us! PRAYER IN HONOR OF THE TEARS OF MARY Hail, countless and bitter tears which flowed in such profusion from thine eyes, O Mary, in thy loving and tender compassion for thy Son, our Crucified Savior! Men and Angels shall honor and revere these tears, and all sinners shall flee to them for refuge, for they have their source in thy most compassionate Heart, O Sorrowful Mother! Even as the crimson Blood flowed from the Wounds of Jesus, so did the tears flow from thine eyes, O Mary, mingled with unutterable bitterness on account of the agony with which thy soul was overwhelmed. Hail Mary... O burning tears, O bitter tears, O mournful tears which moved the Angels to pity and touched the Heart of the Eternal Father! Soften my hard heart that it also may be moved to pity and to a true sorrow for my innumerable sins. O holy tears, wash me! O bitter tears, purify me! O mournful tears, cleanse me! O gentle tears, soften my heart! O burning tears, inflame it! O tears rich in merit and grace, enrich and adorn me! Hail Mary... O most gentle Virgin, I recall to thee the heartfelt compassion which thou didst feel for thy Divine Son during His Passion, and the countless tears which then flowed from thine eyes. I beseech thee, through these bitter tears, to obtain for me the gift of tears and a true and heartfelt sorrow for my sins. Oh, would that I could shed such efficacious and salutary tears over the cruel sufferings of my Savior, and over my sins, as thou didst shed at the foot of the Cross. O most merciful Virgin, offer, I beseech thee, thy bitter tears to the Eternal Father in satisfaction for my tepidity and hardness of heart; and through their merit obtain for me mercy and pardon of all my sins. And when, O dearest Mother, I lie upon my deathbed, give me but one of thy precious tears wherewith to wash and purify my sinful soul and guilty conscience. Amen. Hail Mary... Let us Pray: O Mother of Sorrows, given from the Cross to be our Mother, who didst behold the red drops of the Precious Blood falling down to the ground, remember the Sorrows which then overwhelmed thee like the waves of the sea, and which no other creature but thyself ever suffered on earth. O Mother of Sorrows, plead for us to the Eternal Father, intercede for us with thy Son, pray for us to the Holy Ghost, that after this our pilgrimage is over, we may behold the face of thy Son, and dwell with Him forever in eternal joy. Amen.
O Mary, ever Virgin, most august Sovereign and Queen of Martyrs, no human mind can conceive, no human tongue express, the immensity of the sorrow which filled thy heart with bitterness and bathed thy face with tears, during the Passion and at the Death of thy most beloved Son, Jesus. After His sad farewell, when He parted from thee to go to the Sacrifice, came that awful night when thou didst in spirit contemplate Him sweating blood in the garden, taken captive, tortured in a thousand ways, and imprisoned as a malefactor. And when morning was come, thou didst see Him dragged from tribunal to tribunal, equaled with, nay, rejected for Barabbas, treated as a fool, cruelly scourged, and crowned with sharp thorns. Thou didst hear the sentence of His condemnation, the echoes of the trumpets. Thou didst follow Him as He carried the Cross on His wounded Shoulders, fell on the ground, and received fresh wounds from His falls. Thou didst see Him on that Way of Sorrow, unable to look at thee because of the spittings, the blood, and the tears which filled His Divine eyes. Thou wast present there, when the executioners pierced His Hands and His Feet with large nails, lifted Him on the Cross between two thieves, and thy garments were sprinkled with His Most Precious Blood. Thou didst hear His Seven Words on the Cross, which as seven arrows pierced through thy compassionate Heart; that especially by which He gave thee John, and in his person all men as thy sons in His stead. Thou didst witness the cruelty of His enemies when, parched with thirst, He was given gall and vinegar to drink. Thou didst behold Him in the last pangs of His three hours' Agony; and when, bowing His head, He gave up His Spirit, thy soul too seemed to be rent from thy body. But, as if He had not been insulted enough, thou didst see an impious soldier, even after His Death, pierce with a lance His Sacred and most loving Heart. All the wounds of thine own heart were reopened, when, receiving in thine arms His lifeless Body, thou didst count the numberless wounds and scars with which It was covered, and didst, disconsolate, bathe them with burning tears. And now thy desolation reached its height, when, after having left Him in the sepulcher, thou didst return alone and bereft to Jerusalem, and there in thy solitude didst again, one by one, go over the sad scenes of His torments and Death. To what shall I compare thee, O most Sorrowful Mother? To what shall I equal thee, that I may comfort thee, O Virgin Daughter of Sion? For indeed great as the sea is thy destruction; who shall heal thee? I wish, O afflicted Mother, I wish I could weep with thee in these thy most cruel sufferings, with tears of blood, thus to blot out my iniquities, which were the accursed cause of the anguish and desolation of thy soul. I beseech thee, most compassionate Virgin, by the torments of thy Divine Son and these thy bitter Sorrows, obtain for me grace to hate sin, to become thy devoted servant, and to console thee by a holy life. Deign also to assist me in all my necessities, spiritual and temporal; but, above all, stand by me at the hour of my death, that by thy powerful protection I may reap the fruit of so great sufferings, and bless my loving Savior and thyself, my Sorrowful Mother, with eternal gratitude in the heavenly Kingdom. Amen. LITANY OF OUR LADY OF THE SEVEN DOLORS Lord, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord. Ant. We fly to thy impregnable patronage, O Dolorous and Blessed Virgin Mary; look down upon us in these present perils, and save us by the power of Jesus Christ thy Son, our Redeemer, Who triumphed over the power of darkness. Amen. V. Pray for us, most Sorrowful Virgin; Let us Pray: O God, in Whose Passion, according to the prophecy of Simeon, a sword of grief pierced through the most sweet soul of Thy glorious Virgin Mother Mary: grant that we, who celebrate the memory of her Dolors, may obtain the happy effect of Thy Passion Who livest and reignest forever, unto ages of ages. Amen. THE CHAPLET of OUR SORROWFUL MOTHER Via Matris Dolorosa - Our Mother's Cross Path of Sorrows "May we never let the memory grow dim of our Mother's agonies!" Act of Contrition Dearest Mother, I am filled with remorse at having offended thy beloved Son, my Lord and my God. The sins by which I bruised His Body have been the swords which pierce thy Heart. I repent and am resolved never to cause thee sorrow again. Help me with thy strength, fill me with a ray of thy beauty. The First Sorrow O Virgin most sorrowful, by the bitter pain thy soul suffered when, presenting thy Son Jesus in the Temple, thou didst hear the prophetic words of Simeon: "Behold, this Child is set for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and for a sign that shall be contradicted, and thine own soul a sword shall pierce, that out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed", I ask of thee this mercy-that the infinite merits of Jesus may not be in vain nor unfruitful for me through my negligence. Our Father, once; Hail Mary, seven times. O Heart most pure of the blessed Virgin Mary, obtain for me from Jesus a pure and humble heart! Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation! The Second Sorrow O Virgin most sorrowful, Mary, Mother of God, when thou didst learn from St. Joseph the Angel's warning, thou hadst to rise at night and flee into Egypt to save thy Divine Infant Son from the murderous plot of Herod. I pray thee by the fears and anxieties of that dangerous journey and by the hardships of thy years of exile in pagan Egypt, to keep me in thy motherly care, that like thee I may always bow to God's holy Will. Our Father, once; Hail Mary, seven times. My Queen, my Mother, I consecrate to thee my eyes, my ears, my mouth, my heart, my entire self; O loving Mother, as I am now thine own, keep me, defend me as thy property and possession. The Third Sorrow O Virgin most Sorrowful, thy Heart was entombed in appalling darkness during the three days' loss of Jesus; by the weariness and anxiety of thy three full days search for thy Son, may I never lose Jesus by driving Him by sin from my immortal soul. Our Father, once; Hail Mary, seven times. We fly to thy patronage, O holy Mother of God, despise not our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin Mary. The Fourth Sorrow O Virgin most sorrowful, only the Angels could fathom the depth of thy sorrow as thou didst meet thy Son on the way to Calvary; thou didst see agony in His Eyes, His thorn-crowned Head, His scourged Body streaming with Blood and staggering under the Cross on which He willed to be crucified for my salvation. Obtain for me strength and courage to follow my Redeemer with thee on the way of the Cross, and to submit myself willingly, confidently, to whatsoever task He may give me, seeking no other reward than to know I am doing His Divine Will. Our Father, once; Hail Mary, seven times. Holy Mother, pierce me through, in my heart each wound renew of my Savior Crucified!
The Seventh Sorrow O Virgin most sorrowful, whose Heart was charged with bitter desolation when the lifeless Body of thy Son was laid in the sepulchre, grant that the memory of His Passion and Death be deeply engraved upon my mind, and my heart be fired with love for Him and for thee. May I use the knowledge that His Crucifixion and thy sword-pierced Heart are the price of entrance into Heaven of the Poor Souls in Purgatory! Our Father, once; Hail Mary, seven times. V. Deign that I may praise thee, O Sacred Virgin. I compassionate thee, most holy Mother, with all my heart plunged in thy Son's infinite tenderness. He, Who was all thy delight, the center and life of thy affections, lies dead in the darkness of the tomb and thou art tossed by a surge of sorrow immense as the sea. O Mother of Sorrows, relying on the grace of Jesus and thy care, I promise no more to renew thy sorrows by my sins, but to serve my God faithfully that I may come to share with thee the eternal joys of Paradise. "In honor of the tears Our Lady shed." (three Hail Mary's) O Lord Jesus Crucified, so that we should consider ourselves the children of the sorrows and the fruit of the tears of Thy sweet Mother, with Thy dying breath Thou didst place us under her mediation by making her truly our Mother also. Offering our grateful remembrance of her sorrows we implore Thy mercy in her name. By her tender intercession, may we obtain the happy fruits of Thy Passion and Death. Amen. With all our heart and voice we acknowledge, we praise and we bless Thee, God the Father unbegotten, Thee, the only-begotten Son, Thee, the Holy Ghost, the Paraclete, O holy and undivided Trinity. O Sorrowful Virgin Mary, bless us with thy Holy Child! WHAT A SEA OF TEARS AND SORROWS What a sea of tears and sorrows did the soul of Mary toss, Oh that mournful Virgin Mother, see her tears how fast they flow O COME AND MOURN WITH ME O come and mourn with me awhile; Have we no tears to shed for Him, Come, take thy stand beneath the Cross, OUR MOTHER OF SORROWS Our Lady, who is full of grace, What must we, the guilty feel, Help us, Mary, full of grace, I CAN SCARCELY SEE THEE, JESUS I can scarcely see Thee, Jesus, Ah, why not the Victim changing; Gazing on Thy Cross so lowly, Whence the thorns Thy Head encircling; All my sins have made me guilty In Thy Death my hopes reposing,
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