Vol. 39, Issue No. 98
Devotion to the Precious Blood is very important to true children of Mary, especially
today. Faithful Catholics must learn to take full advantage of this beautiful and
inspiring devotion.
The Mother of Jesus
standing beneath the Cross is the one to enkindle this devotion in the hearts of men. She
is the Mother of the Precious Blood and knows well the great love that made her Divine Son
shed His Precious Blood for our salvation. It is through Mary that men will learn to
glorify and honor the Precious Blood of Jesus.
There are special
relations between Mary and the Precious Blood of our Divine Savior. By taking a close look
at these relations, one can understand both the great value of that Blood which flowed
from the wounds of Our Savior, as well as the wonderful glory that Our Lady receives from
this Blood.
Mary made it possible
for the second Person of the Holy Trinity to become man. In her pure body, He took the
Flesh and Blood that one day He would offer on Calvary for the redemption of mankind. On
the day of the Annunciation, St. Gabriel the Archangel announced to her: "And behold,
thou shalt conceive in thy womb and shalt bring forth a Son." (Luke 1:31) And
almost the same words are spoken to St. Joseph: "Do not be afraid, Joseph, son of
David, to take to thee Mary, thy spouse, for that which is begotten in her is of the Holy
Ghost." (Matt. 1:21) Mary then gave birth to the Savior in Bethlehem, as was
announced to the shepherds: "For there is born to you this day, in the city of David,
a Savior, Who is Christ the Lord." (Luke 2:11)
Since Mary is really
the Mother of Jesus, she gave Him everything that a mother gives to her child. She gave
Him His human life; to her, Jesus owes His Precious Blood, since it was formed in her body
through the power of the Holy Ghost. And Mary, in turn, owes all her holiness and
privileges to the Divine Blood of her Son.
Mary is the most
beautiful of all creatures. In her, God realized His greatest work. She is so beautiful
precisely because she is the Mother of God. For this high office she was raised to the
greatest glory and dignity. Next to God, she deserves the highest praise. That is why the
Church always calls the faithful to honor and praise her.
Because of her Divine
motherhood, she received the greatest gifts possible. God gave her all the graces that she
was able to receive. Her beauty and glory are so great that no angel, no man, no creature,
can ever be compared to her: "To what shall I compare thee, or to whom shall I liken
thee, O daughter of Jerusalem." (Lam. 2:13) Mary never had original sin, and
that is why the angel could greet her as "full of grace." She received all those
gifts because she was to become the Mother of God, because from her the Redeemer was to
receive His Precious Blood.
All beauty and grandeur
that men admire in Mary come from the merits of the Precious Blood. Since Our Lady was
more closely united to this Blood than anyone else, she enjoyed the most advantages from
it. All the splendors of her beauty, all the glories of her graces, all the honor of her
motherhood come from the Divine Blood. She, too, was saved by the Precious Blood, but in a
very special way. For others, the Precious Blood was shed to take away sin; for Mary, it
was shed to protect and defend her from harm. She was not freed from sin, rather, she was
ever preserved from its least contagion. She received this privilege in view of the
future merits of the Divine Blood. Her Immaculate Conception is the first and greatest
grace of Jesus' victory.
Mary united herself
closely to her Divine Son's sacrifice. She was always near Him. Certainly her cooperation
in man's salvation was not absolutely necessary. But God chose that His Son should suffer
and shed His Blood to the last drop to save the world. It was His plan that Mary should
join in this work of love. Her consent was needed for the Second Person of the Blessed
Trinity to become man, so that He could suffer and die for the redemption of the human
Jesus was the Savior
not only on Calvary, but all throughout His life. His death on the Cross completed His
sacrifice. He began His work of saving souls at the moment of His Incarnation; He began it
in union with Mary. And He also ended it in union with her. As Mary was the handmaid of
God at the Annunciation, so was she still that handmaid on Calvary. The Gospel says:
"Now there was standing by the Cross of Jesus His Mother." (John 19:25) Mary's
presence at this great moment is significant. It shows that she suffered with Jesus for
the Redemption of mankind.
The benefits of the
Precious Blood are very many. It gave to men the "power to be made sons of God,"
freeing them from the chains of sin. It promises eternal life to those who renounce sin
through the power obtained for them through the Precious Blood. Thereby it brings peace
between God and men; It draws souls to the Heart of Jesus, our Savior.
But, the Church teaches
that all graces of the Precious Blood come through Mary. No grace is given without her
intercession. Saint Bernard, the great Marian theologian, says: "God wants us to
receive all things through Mary; no grace comes from Heaven to earth without passing
through her hands." This same thought was expressed often throughout the ages:
"Mother of God, no one is freed from his sins, no one receives a gift, except through
Already in the lifetime
of Jesus, He granted graces and blessings at the request of His Mother. The first miracles
that He worked were carried out in union with Mary. She brought Jesus, Who was not yet
born, to her cousin's house to sanctify John the Baptist in the womb of his mother, St.
Elizabeth; later, at Cana, she asked her Son to work a miracle to help the young couple in
their temporal need.
It is natural that Mary
should share in granting the graces of the Precious Blood, since she cooperated so much in
gaining them. It is also right for her to have a part in giving graces, because she is the
Mother given to us by Jesus from the Cross. As Mother, she has the duty of helping her
children and protecting them.
Mary receives her
greatness from the Precious Blood. All her excellence and beauty come from this Blood. She
has many claims for honor, but the most beautiful gem in her crown of glory is her
relation to the Divine Blood of her Son. It recalls her Divine Maternity; it reminds men
of the offering that she made of that Blood at the foot of the Cross; it recalls that Mary
was protected and made beautiful through that same Blood.
Oh let us, through our
devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus, give Mary, our Mother, a new glory; for this
devotion makes Mary exalt Jesus, and Jesus exalt Mary!
O my God, I offer Thee
this and every action of my life in union with the Precious Blood in all the true Masses
now being offered throughout the world, to Thine own everlasting praise and glory, to
Thine infinite rejoicing and delight, to the glory of the Sacred Heart, to the honor of
Holy Mary, St. Joseph, my Guardian Angel, and Patron Saint, for the conversion of sinners,
for the dying, and for the relief of the Poor Souls in Purgatory. Eternal Father, I offer
Thee the Most Precious Blood of Jesus in atonement for my sins, and in supplication for
the needs of Holy Mother Church.
Our Lady's words at
Fatima, "Certain styles and fashions are being introduced which gravely offend My
Divine Son," certainly represent no innovation in the teachings of her Divine
Son, Who said Himself, "Anyone who so much as looks with lust at a woman has
already committed adultery with her in his heart." (Matt. 5:28) All throughout
the centuries the true followers of Christ have recognized the critical need, not
only of penance and self-denial, in order to preserve chastity of mind and body, but also
of avoiding all occasions of sin, especially immodest fashions on the part of women, who
through their vanity become horrible occasions of sin for men, just as Our Lord warned.
Indeed, if woman's vanity has been a prolific source of temptation down throughout the
centuries, what is to be said of our own age, in which the styles and fashions are
deliberately calculated to lead men into sin. Let us be reminded of the unchanging
doctrine of the Church in this regard, and diligently avoid, without fear of human
respect, that terrible immodesty in dress which is the cause of so many sins and offenses
against the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Sacred Heart of Her Divine
Son! Considering this tragic reality, reflect carefully upon this warning to women by a
great and holy Doctor of the Church:
"You carry your snare everywhere and spread your nets in all places. You allege that
you never invited others to sin. You did not, indeed, by your words, but you have done so
by your dress and your deportment, and much more effectively than you could by your voice.
When you have made another sin in his heart, how can you be innocent? Tell me, whom does
this world condemn? Whom do judges in court punish? Those who drink poison or those who
prepare it and administer the fatal potion? You have prepared the abominable cup, you have
given the death-dealing drink, and you are more criminal than are those who poison the
body; you murder not the body, but the soul. And it is not to enemies that you do this,
nor are you urged on by any imaginary necessity, nor provoked by injury, but out of
foolish vanity and pride."
St. John Chrysostom (4th Century)
"Enter ye in by the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads
to destruction, and many there are who enter therein. How narrow the gate and strait is
the way that leads to life! And few there are that find it!" (Matt. 7:13-14)
Reflecting upon these
words of the Son of God; my soul, take a glance into Hell and count the souls that were
damned before the coming of Christ. There is Cain. Of two brothers, one is saved, the
other is damned.
That multitude is the
souls of those who lived at the time of the Deluge. With the exception of one family,
almost every person was damned.
There are the
inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah; the idolaters of the ancient world: Assyrians,
Phoenicians, Greeks, and Romans, Babylonians, Egyptians, etc......
And of the Hebrews,
most of them were also damned.
You may also count
those who were obstinate! How many souls are there who spoke with Jesus Christ, who were
with Him, and saw His miracles with their own eyes! Among the vast numbers there are
Pilate, Governor of Judea; and Caiphas, the high priest; and Herod, the king; and Judas,
the disciple of Jesus Christ; and a thief who died at His side.
Finally, count the
number of those who were damned after the coming of the Messiah. See how many souls
rebelled against the Gospel, who were too blind to accept miracles, who persecuted the
Church; see the philosophers and poets who were of great renown in the world. Look at
those Catholics who were damned in spite of the Faith, good inspirations, sermons, and
Sacraments. Look, how many princes, bishops, priests, and religious! And at this moment,
while you meditate, how many souls are falling into Hell!
And I go about saying:
"If all sinners were damned, no man would be left for Paradise!" But, look how
many are damned! What is all this to God? What damage is done to Paradise for their
absence? O my soul, live with the few if you wish to be saved with them.
FLOWERET: Avoid diligently that
temptation of the Devil with which he tempted Judas, leading him into the pit of despair,
where one no longer prays to the pure and powerful Mother of God, Conquerer of demons. Be
convinced that she never abandons her true children, but she cannot aid those who,
succumbing to diabolical despair, fail to call upon her in times of trial and temptation.
PRACTICE: Resolve what special
devotion you will perform in honor of Mary all your life, and write a solemn promise to
fulfill it in order to gain her all-powerful and never-ending assistance in avoiding the
flames of Hell.
ASPIRATION: Thanks be to thee, O
Mother, that I am not burning in Hell.
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